5 Things That Can Change Your Life In A Day

Mon 04-08-13
Church By Phone

When God stirs you over a topic or
instruction, something that inspires
you, seize it.

Embrace, grab, take a hold of, pursue it.

When He reveals a special word to you,
a “rhema” word, a “now” word, an
understanding that’s greatly
magnified in your heart.

It’s my responsibility to find
inspiration in the world He created.

It’s nobody else’s responsibility
to inspire, or encourage me.

It’s my responsibility to inspire myself.

Dr. Murdock is heading out to
Nigeria tomorrow [today, April 9th]

The difference between
seasons is a conversation.

5 Things That Can Change Your Life Today


1) A conversationZacchaeus had a
conversation with Jesus, and it
changed his life in a day.
– Don’t look a life as something to
endure, look at it as something to enter
>> you enter a zone, every morning,
every hour, every day
>> you can change your life in a
few seconds: you’ve just got to hate
where you are to enter where
you want to be
>> you’ll always adapt what you
can and what you will, you’ll
stay in a comfort zone
– a conversation can change
your life in a day
>> you may be required to
initiate the conversation
– When people say, “Don’t judge me”,
that’s a stupid thing to say
>> of course you judge each other
>> the Bible even says, “Judge yourself,”
so others won’t have to
>> judging simply means to assess
your conduct, effort, behavior
– take action, have initiative
– Zaccheus took initiative
– the woman with the issue of blood,
the blind man who cried out to Jesus–
they had initiative
– the first two letters of “God”,
“Gospel”, “good” = “Go”!
– A-S-K – He didn’t say “wait”,
He said, “Ask…”
>> Well, if you don’t ask,
what do you do, wait?
>> No! Seek…knock…!
>> Three levels of passion
– you may have to
initiate a conversation
– don’t ever owe a debt,
and act like you don’t
– if you owe someone money
& you’re out of work, you
just became their employee,
their “servant”
– What kind if conversation
should you initiate?
>> Apologies
>> Explanations
>> Confession
– To change your favor with God,
enter into conversation with Him
>> there’s a lot of ways to talk to God:
> Something you say, helping someone,
something you do, something you sow

Don’t you want to change your life?
Do you want to improve your life?
Do you want to excel?

Where should there be a conversation?

Conversation that demonstrates honor.

Do you know who you are talking to?
>> Upward, downward, or laterally?

The person who is the senior–
the senior person at any table
is authorized to guide the conversation.

Not the youngest. The 4 year-old does
not guide the conversation at the table.

There’s a place of authority.

If you have dishonored your wife,
there needs to be a conversation.

Initiate it.

I wait for very little.

Those who wait have very
little desire, little passion.

“Good things come to those
who wait,” is an imbecilic,
satanic ploy–have you
ever heard that?

“Waiting upon the Lord” has
nothing to do with delaying
activity, or decisions.

Most prayers are wasted
because God’s not waiting
for you to make a prayer,
He’s waiting for you to
make a decision.

Prayer is often used to delay
the potential bad decision
that we don’t want to make.

People say they’re “waiting on God”, when
He said, “Seek and you shall find”. He never
said, “wait and you shall find”.

You want to change your life in a day?

Start talking.

  • Talk upward to those you
    need to show honor to.
  • Talk downward to those
    who need to be trained by you.
  • Talk laterally to those who
    need to work with you.

You’re going to have to initiate
a conversation to create
changes in your life.

How long are you going to have
to wait at the Exxon station
before God puts gas in your car? 😉

There’s things you’ve gotta do, right?

Well, then do ’em.

Shut up and do ’em.

Shut up and do them.

Do what you’re supposed to do.

Do it, and do it with excellence.

Do it with all your heart.

Do it with all your might.

What conversation is
missing in a relationship?

What conversation have you
failed to have with your upline?
(with those in authority over
your life).

Are you waiting for invisible mentorship
to pierce the airwaves [earways?] of those
under your training?

Archbishop Marguerite Idahosa:
Her husband was known as Archbishop
Benson Idahosa.

Dr. Murdock had known
Benson Idahosa for 34 years.
He was a wonderful man of God.

Years ago, there was a public
outcry over an incident in Nigeria
where the Vice President of
Nigeria said, Nigeria is a
Muslim nation b/c everyone
in Nigeria knew that they were
a Christian nation.

Some of the leaders said, We’re
going to go pray about this, and
The Archbishop Benson Idahosa
said, We are not going to go
pray. That issue is too little for
God to handle. He put us in charge
of matters on the earth. We’re going
to take care of this.

And he got on the phone to the Vice
President of Nigeria and persuaded
him to publicly apologize and recant
his statement.

Have you ever heard someone say,
“There’s no problem too small for God” ?

What a stupid, idiotic, ridiculous statement.
You want God killing the roach in your room?
You want God putting cheese in your rat traps?

Dr. Murdock:
I like clear conversation.
I don’t like “slither”.
I’m very adversarial to deceivers.
I don’t permit life.
I decide it.
I don’t permit what will happen to me,
I decide what I want to happen in my life.
That’s God commandment to us.
He’s given us responsibility to our territory.

What is the territory God has
assigned for you to govern?

What is the turf that
requires your attentiveness?

And what are you doing about it?

You need to have some conversations
with the people under you.

You need to go back and say,
What did I instruct you to do?

– Remember: Ruth changed her life with
one conversation that made her “Mrs. Boaz”

The 2nd thing that can
change your life in a day…

2) One act of servanthood
– Look at Rebecca:
>> She changed her life when she
noticed an old man needed attention
>> She offered him water…
– Servanthood is a seed
– Servanthood is proof of character
– When servanthood becomes an
obsession with you, to host the
people around you, the “fragrance”
of a servant comes upon you until
the servant actually becomes the
– Almost nobody grasps this, but:
>> The person who serves the best
becomes the authority in the
environment (meditate on that)
– Rebecca was an incredible woman,
and she looked at Eleazar, the Chief
liaison for Abraham (and Isaac) &
said, Can I also water your camels?
>> There’s money, there’s blessing
where those camels are going
– If you want to change your life in
a day, start serving

Who’s pain can you remove?

3) Confession
– I’m sorry
– It did for the thief hanging next to Jesus
– Don’t argue about how
right or wrong you are
– One confession can turn
chaos into promotion
– See: the publican vs the pharisee
– confession stops prosecution

4) Obedience to an instruction

[example] Part of Dr. Murdock’s testimony:

At 4:30pm on a Wednesday afternoon,
God gave him an instruction. Something
he had never done. God gave it to him
thru somebody else. It was about sowing
seed. God said, Do it by 10pm tonight.

In 24 hours [after following the instruction],
God had blessed him with more money than
he had ever had in his life.

By 72 hours, God had given him enough
money to buy a beautiful Cessna Citation
jet–a jet, cash.

When you ask God for a future,
He’ll give you an instruction.

An instruction is a bridge to the
dreams that you’re talking about.

The difference between where you are
and where you want to be is an instruction.

And the bridge is never long–it’s instant.

God doesn’t take you on a long bridge.

The prodigal son’s bridge was long because
he decided to take his life into the pigpen.

5) A seed

Use your seed for conversation.

– My seed is my “talker”.
>> My seed talks to God for me.

My seed is my ambassador
for me into my future.

My seed is the only voice
my future will obey.

My future whimpers for
instruction at the foot of my seed.

My seed rules my world.

I use my seed to talk to
God about what I need,
what I want, and what
I expect.

– see Pastor Howard Hogan (83 years old)
>> a confidant of Dr. Murdock’s

He told Pastor Hogan, I have lost money
in everything but God. I’ve lost over $30,000
in oil wells. I listened to a banker and lost
$250,000 in mutual funds in one year.

Warren Buffett said, “Never invest in something
that you don’t want to know a lot about.”


By the way, a “bullish” market is on its way up.
(think: the horns on a bull are pointing “up”)

A “bear” market is trending down.


There’s a $500,000 money market
in Heaven today for one listener
of Church By Phone.

Dr. Dave Martin :
– Have Dave Martin speak in your church, if you
want to have a financial breakthrough.
>> Dr. Dave Martin and his wife, Christina–after
an instruction from Dr. Murdock to plant a $500
seed (they had $503 to their name at the time)–
planted a $500 seed. 10 days later, Christina
was shopping at Wal-Mart & they just happened
to be filming a commercial that would use the
Wal-Mart security cameras. The Martins have
since received thousands and thousands of
dollars from the residual checks off of that
commercial–specifically, off of the $500
seed that they had planted after being
obedient to a man of God’s instruction.

Father, I ask you for 10 people to plant a $500 seed and to have the most electrifying revelation of seed time and harvest. When we ask you for a harvest, You ask us for a seed. When we ask you for a harvest, You give us an instruction. What You did for Christina–what you did for Dr. David Martin, because of one seed of obedience. Father, I ask You for 10 obedient seeds for the Kingdom of God.

Father, there are some listening right now–You have given them an instruction that they have not yet obeyed–Father, give them Holy Ghost courage to obey that instruction with expectation of a harvest. For the glory of God, I decree it. For the glory of God!

Father, while I am in Nigeria, give these 10 people 10 days of surprise conversations, and cause them to journal these surprise conversations. For the glory of God, it is done. Praise God!

Praise God!

The telephone number to call to sow:


Goto the website:
TheWisdomCenter.com. >> Button 8

People ask Dr. Murdock,
What got you sowing seed?
>> My passion for a harvest.


A Surprise Conversation #6 – Expect A Divine Encounter

A Surprise Conversation
Sunday night 04-07-13
Church By Phone

Praise God.

Hello family.

Pastor Jeremy Mills (at the Wisdom Center)
and Miss Amy Lira are joining us on the call:

And they’re going to share about “a surprise conversation”.

Dr. Murdock says he’s feeling our prayers. 🙂

Yesterday, flew to Tulsa, OK and had a 1-hour mtg
with the ministry’s partners.

And then flew on to Kansas City, MO

Where Chris & his Pastor, Robert Malone.
Michael Salazar’s father brought his car
and Michael, his wife, and father were
just a blessing.

An hour and 45minutes late, Dr. Murdock
got to Omaha, NE at 8:45pm, and
everybody waited, and they went til 10:15pm.

Pastor Kenneth Davis is a fire-house for God,
what a blessing this morning.

Dr. Murdock would like for us to pray over the
North Korea threat, and for our leaders.

By the way, tomorrow Dr. Murdock will launch his
podcast – where he’ll do his “World View”
>> He’s a very keen viewer of world events.
>> There’s more going on than we know.
>> But there could be a surprise conversation
that silences this.

Dr. Murdock asks that we come into agreement with
him that the Lord “let the disloyal bring disruption”.

Father, I come boldly to Your throne tonight on behalf of
our world. I ask You to give President Obama, all of the
leaders connected to the Free World. Put a “Daniel” close
to their ear. We come into covenant that the shield of
loyalty would be stripped from North Korea. Take the lid
off the mutiny–and let there be such a stripping away of
protection, that this escalation of hatred towards South
Korea–I ask for a swift interception of their nuclear threat.
I ask, in the Name of Jesus, that a Christian intercede.
We ask that you would silence this demonic man that is
full of demon spirits. Give the President of South Korea
great wisdom. Give courage to our President Obama. And
allow him to be bold–and cover with the Blood, our Christians
in Israel, our Christians in South Korea. I ask that You give
the Christians in South Korea profound wisdom, knowing that
their brethren around the world are praying for them. We’ve
got preachers right now in South Korea under constant threat.
I ask that you give protection to the underground churches
in China. Father, I ask that every leader in China would
have an awakening of their conscience–and of every man
that’s ever been in Your Presence. I decree surprise conversations
in South Korea. I decree surprise conversations in Jesus’s Name.
Amen. Praise God.

It’s real important to learn how to talk to God effectively.

If you’re going to be effective, be clear–be specific in what you want.

Just like “taking the hedge” of protection off of North Korea.

A word is a “door” or a “wall”.

Every word you speak is a door or a wall.

Your conversations close doors or they open doors.

Develop a meticulous sensitivity about what you discuss with God.

Dr. Murdock’s asked Pastor Jeremy, and
Miss Amy Lira to join us here on Church By Phone.

By the way, in the next 48 hours, until Dr. Murdock leaves
Tuesday, any partner who sows a seed of $100 or more
on the website will receive the entire collection on a
Surprise Conversation.

You are one conversation away
from a miracle every day of your life.

God schedules miracles by conversations of expectation.

The well of Samaria–an entire city was saved.

One conversation took place with Phillip.

Spirit-filled men initiate conversation.

Spirit-filled leaders initiate questions.

Remember: a question is a door.

Until you ask questions, others control your life.

Nothing matters as much as a question.

A question proves your passion, documents your honor.
A question is proof of humility because it proves you’re
reaching. And a reacher creates changes.

The most helpless human in the world is a non-reacher.

You can create a suprise conversation with an apology.

You can call somebody you owe a debt to, have a surprise
conversation and ask to change the details of the contract.

Every husband should have a surpirse conversation with his wife
to explain the secrets of his heart.

I know that every person cannot be trusted.

You must be careful of trusting the wrong person:
99% of the problems in life come through trusting
an unworthy person.

Don’t trust the wrong person with your secrets.

But there’s something very powerful about a surprise conversation.

…tonight is critial for somebody.

A surprise conversation can stop a suicide attempt.
A surprise conversation can stop pain, remove cancer.
A surprise conversation can take the cloud of depression
off of your life.

Dr. Murdock doesn’t do well with silence.
He longs for meaningful, trustworthy, significant conversation.

Is there anything more satisfying than a meaningful conversation
with someone you can trust?

The most comforting place on earth is in the presence of
a non-dangerous person.

You may need to reassure somebody.

God gave Dr. Murdock a surprise conversation
about “The Timothy House”.

Hank & Brenda Kunneman
>> Oral Roberts said that Hank Kunneman
was the most accurate prophet he had met
during his lifetime.

Hank told Dr. Murdock at lunch that there would be
a paradigm shift in his ministry:

The Timothy House:
>> Where his interns would live and train for minstry.

Within 90 days, God will give Dr. Murdock
A Timothy House to train Holy Ghost people
for the ministry.

A surprise conversation. 🙂

Father, I claim surprise conversations in the next 48 hours
unlike anything we’ve had. Somebody’s husband is going to
come home and take his rightful place as the leader of that
household. Somebody’s going to have a conversation in the
next 7 days, with a college, they’re going to receive a
scholarship worth thousands and thousands of dollars.
Somebody’s about to get a raise because of a surprise

Father, I ask You to receive our seeds for the Gospel. Between
now and Tuesday night, receive every seed planted on the website–
every seed planted in The Wisdom Center. Every seed–give us
A surprise conversation as our #1 harvest, in Jesus’s Name, for
Your glory. Amen.

To sow (besides Button 8 on the website), call:

The Scriptural number for “New”, “change”, “creativity” is “8”

There is somebody that has a reveleation about “The
Timothy House”. This is a God-thing with you. Someone
has a Word from God–not speculation. Drop a private
word to his email: DrMike@churchbyphone.com

Yes, he will be live tomorrow evening at 9pm CST.

Miss Amy Lira #1
Miss Amy Lira, just turned 21 years old, God has put
a remarkable mantle of wisdom on her life:

The surprise conversation is so huge, and she’s seen the glory
of it take place right in front of her. She says, “It is just God’s
way of showing off.”
/end Miss Amy Lira #1
Dr. Murdock:
It’s a believable harvest.
I like to only pray about things I can believe.
So I pick out a harvest that’s very believable for my faith.
I work with my faith, whether it’s at a “2” or a “10”
Because God doesn’t use His love to sculpture your future–
He uses my faith to build my future.
God uses my pain to create a change.
And God works with my faith to create a change.
Faith creates every significant change.
And any conversation that unleashes your faith is working for you.
Doubt creates losses as quickly as faith creates multiplication.

The Timothy House – where the interns will live
Young missionaries that are trained at the house.
Somebody just got an answer to prayer:
Somebody just got an answer as to where
they leave their money when they die…

Pastor Jeremy

“A surprise conversation to me, is really about opportunity…”
You never know who’s going to slip into your life and have
conversation with you.
And God always works through people.
If we can learn to discern–divine–a supernatural, surprise,
conversation, will lead us into the future God has created
for us. Our future is going to come through the Divine seed
of surprise conversation.

What Dr. Murdock is teaching us tonight is extremely
critical in the lives of the believer.

Whenever God does something, He’s going to speak.
And when He speaks to us (through a man or a woman
of God) we must learn to discern that.
A surprise conversation happens through the Divine
windows of Heaven being opened. And as God begins
to speak to us–as we embrace that conversation–it’s
there, whatever God has prepared for us.
For our future.
For our healing.
For our prosperity.
Whatever it might be.
With Divine conversation, you can think of so many things:
Divine access – the access it takes to be before a man of God.
The surprise conversation that Abraham had with God, when
he began to intercede on behalf of a nation. Look at the Divine
opportunity he had to speak with God–there was Divine judgement
on the way. God was literally walking the earth, to see if that
which He had in His heart, He was going to fulfill.

We know today that we can “come boldly to the throne of grace.”

We understand the power of intercession.

If we can embrace what the power of intercession can do–
look at Abraham’s conversation with God:
He knocked down the number to a small amount of righteous
people to withold judgement from an entire nation.
We can learn to intercede for nations.

Remember, after Jesus had risen from the dead, on
the Road to Emmaus.

We’d really be surprised to learn Who is listening in on
our conversations.

Are we communicating faith, victory?

Jesus said, “You slow to believe, didn’t you read what
the prophets had written?”
The disciples on the road, their conversation didn’t believe
the Word of God–it wasn’t full of faith.
And as disciples, we’ve got to keep our faith high.
Point your speech back to the Word of God.

Through Divine, surprise conversation–it is always
a mirror of our own walk with God.

/end Pastor Jeremy

Miss Amy #2
“I just love the fact that [surprise conversations] are so tangible.”
In John 4 it talks about the surprise conversation with
the Samaritan woman.

And at the well, Jesus offered her an opportunity,
The woman’s world was changed completely.
She became an evangelist out of that conversation.
And if you receive the opportunity, God will change your life.
Be sensitive to the surprise conversation.
It’s so unexpected.
God says, “If you’re willing. I’ll show off…!”

Those who ask the questions determine the quality of the conversation.

Jesus opened up the conversation at the well with a question.

If we can be sensitive to what God has for us in surprise conversations.

Pastor Jeremy #2

The surprise conversation of the shepherd men
who went to visit the Baby Jesus.

“And I don’t know about you, but I’m so ready to
embrace the supernatural of God.”

Believe for supernatural conversation and confrontation.

Whether it be for angelic visitation that will help you
find your way in the kingdom.

There are so many “suddenlys”–surprise conversation
is every where.

And through Divine angelic conversation, these men who were
shepherding their flock went and saw Jesus just after he was born.

Perk our ears and perk our sensitivity to supernatural

This is part of the Kingdom:
“you might entertain angels”

Suprise conversation.

Get ready for these kinds of conversations, because
God is always sending information our way.

Everything God does is information.

Open up our minds, open up our hearts for
God to communicate to us Divinely, supernaturally,
swiftly–through people just knocking on our door.

Pastor Jeremy had a surprise conversation 6-7 months
ago when he was in need of money, provision.

He had a car parked in his driveway that he wasn’t using,
and someone, just “out of the blue”–without any promotion
whatsoever–came up to his door and asked him if he was
selling that car. He said, “Well, as a matter of fact, I am…” 🙂

And within a few days, the title was signed over, and there
was cash in his hand, and God had met his need.

Through a surprise conversation.

Begin to expect Divine, supernatural, surprise conversation.

It’s how God works, it’s how He will continue.

Expect God to drop people into your life that bring Divine,
supernatural encounter, that will help to correct your life,
supply your need, do whatever is necessary.

God’s going to deliver it to you.

Surprise conversation.

It’s going to come and it’s going to give you the
information that you need. It’ll be the seed of
instruction that you need.

And God’ll do it swiftly, speedily, slipping it right
into your life–give you the surprise encounter
that you need. The Divine instruction that you need.

And He has promised it “to them that believe”.

You look at Dr. Murdock: his life has been full of
surprise conversation. People slipping right up to
him. Seed out of “nowhere” to bless his life.

Surprise conversation.

God is into surprise conversation.

We need to believe.

Let your faith and hope be built because God’s got
your need in mind, and He’s sending to you that
which you need.

Open up your ears and your mind, get your attitude right
that those you’re going to speak with–that God, when He
brings that Divine favor into your life; that you’re
approaching it correctly. And that those that you’re speaking
with, the Divine favor and people that God has appropriated
for your life will slip right in.


Get your expectation high.

It’s the hope, and the Biblical hope that we have–
this expectation for God to slip into your life, from

Our expectation can be high that you will have the conversation
that you need with God, from God, expect the conversation
you need to slip into your life, and God will open every door
that’s necessary for your life.

And it happens through surprise conversation.

We need to bless God for it.

We, by faith, need to embrace it.

God knows exactly where you’re at–what’s going on.

Allow Him to usher it into your life.

Divine, supernatural provision.

Divine, supernatural words, revelation.

God’s got it. We need to expect it.

And expect it through a surpirse conversation.

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!

Glory to God, glory to God.

Miss Amy #3

Praise God.

Get excited with anticipation.

One of her greatest surprise conversations was when
she traveled to Monterey, Mexico to be with Dr.
Murdock and the School of Wisdom to support him.

She’d prior spoken to her parents, saying, “I really feel
that the Holy Spirit wants me to go to this meeting.”
So they prayed about it, and talked about it, they
supported her, and she went on that trip.

Going home, she had two options:
1) Go to another city in Mexico where her family was or
2) Go through Dallas / Ft. Worth airport & then goto church
that weekend.

She had just had a surprise conversation with Pastor
Monica Melgar, and Pastor Monica said, “Why don’t you
stay here for the week? We’ll make this week count.”

That week turned into a month, a year–and she never
went back home, but instead made Ft. Worth her new
home, and her parents even packed up her things from
her (old) home in Indianapolis, IN.

It changed her life forever.

There’s so many conversations that soothe, that
heal, that mend–conversations are a minstry.

They’re to ourselves, to each other, to our families.

Conversations are what preserve a relationship.
Conversations are so rich, but yet we take them
for granted–but they’re so profound.

The way God moves…

The way God can place people in our lives.

Church family, as this week is coming to a close, meditate about who the people are that you’re having a surprise conversation with.

Be sensitive to the voice of the Spirit.

Inventory your conversations.

Purge your environment of anything that could diminish those conversations.

Be in your secret place.

So much of what God does is because of our expectation.

God is just looking for a vessel willing to trust in Him.

[Pastor Jeremy]

Expectation is the beginning of our belief in God.

Expectation is necessary.

Believe for the impossible.

Let God be God in that area in your life.

9-10 months ago, God began to deal with Pastor Jeremy about a $1,000 seed. He was in the pulpit of his father’s church and really thought it was about somebody in tge audience. And it was just money that he did not have.

Then a few months later, Pastor Jeremy heard again from God about giving the $1,000 seed. He had just over $1,000 to his name. And he planted the $1,000 seed.

Your seed a schedules Divine, surprise conversation.

Everything God does, He does on a schedule–He is ordered.

After Pastor Jeremy planted that seed, things began to develop.

He got connected to Dr. Mike Smalley through his protege conferences, and eventually got up the courage to ask Dr. Smalley if he’d come and speak at Pastor Jeremy’s church in a small town in Iowa.

And he agreed to come, and Dr. Smalley came and shared and blessed Pastor Jeremy and his church.

About 2 months after Pastor Jeremy had planted the $1,000 seed (into his father’s church), he received a phone call from Dr. Mike Smalley. He had spoken with Pastor Jeremy previously about possibly working with Dr. Murdock, who was a hero to Pastor Jeremy, and he had thought to himself at the time, Well yes, that’d be a dream come true for anybody, to work for one of their dream-heroes.

And through seed that was sown, it created a Divine, surprise, supernatural conversation–to the point where Pastor Jeremy was called up out of nowhere(!) and Dr. Smalley called and said, “Brother Jeremy, can you make it up to The Wisdom Center tomorrow? Dr. Murdock is there and he would love to meet you.”

Pastor Jeremy said, “Yes, sir, I would love to be there!”

And he showed up there the next day, they gave him a time, they had a spot for him to sit, and a meeting with Dr. Murdock was scheduled….!

And his whole world–from a seed–his whole environment was completely, miraculously changed.

God is always the Supplier of surprise conversations.

Ladies and gentlemen, we need to be mindful of the words that we’re saying, because God is listening.

He’s monitoring our faith.
He’s monitoring our doubt.

Everything we do is conversation.

A conversation of our heart to our mind.

[A conversation between our mind, and our decisions]

Everything is conversation.

And as we obey God, He schedules Divine conversation with those that we need to be connected with.

Pay close attention to the conversation that you’re sending forth.

God is looking or grounds to bless us.
[“How much more…?]

But many times we simply have not qualified for his intended blessings.

And Pastor Jeremy’s present life–being connected to Dr. Murdock [teaching and preaching to us on Church By Phone right now]–is all the result of listening to God, and planting a seed.

Seed schedules a Divine conversation.

And we’re thankful for it tonight.

[Dr. Murdock begins speaking]

Praise God…!

Dr. Murdock is going to be publishing a book on this material of “a surprise conversation”.

Pastor Kunneman earlier [on Sunday] pulled out Dr. Murdock’s book “A Young Minister’s Handbook”, which he’d written in his mid-thirties. And Pastor Kunneman also pulled out a 1st-edition copy of the book “Dream Seeds”, which Dr. Murdock had written 27 year ago (1986-87).

In that book, Dr. Murdock shares about the conversation that God had with him about the pain that he’d had in his life, and what would come out of it–because he’d wanted to leave the ministry.

There’s thousands of preachers today who have stayed in the ministry, or returned to the ministry, because of a surprise conversation.

And The Lord has emphasized the “positive” side of the surprise conversation, so that’s what we’ll focus on.

You’re one conversation away from a radical change in your life.

Joy is one conversation away.

Ask the woman at the well of Samaria.

The healing of an incurable disease is one conversation away:
– read Dr. Lester Sumerall’s life story
– read Oral Roberts’s story about the healing of his tuberculosis

There was a little house-maiden who lived in the house of Namaan, the Assyrian leper (who was also a General).

The surprise conversation may come from someone who is below your economic standard.

Don’t ever think that mentorship is downward.

Don’t ever think that the protege is inferior to the mentor.

Rather, it has to do with the process of information, knowledge, understanding.

The house-maiden emptied the trash, mopped the floors–but mentored Namaan on how to get his healing.

The surprise conversation came from below the economic standard.

It is a God thing that conversation may come from any direction of your life.

It may come from a child–like Samuel, who heard the voice of God and thought it was the voice of the High Priest, Eli, who was the mentor for Samuel chosen by his mother, Hannah.

By the way, we want to do a shout-out for Hannah Faith Griffin.

That’s Prophet Marquez’s, along with Marguerite, his wife’s beautiful, beautiful baby girl , who was just born.

We decree and declare angels surrounding that child.

But God spoke to the young child, Samuel.

Your conversation may come late at night, when nobody’s around.

You may be the only person that receives that surprise conversation.

A surprise conversation may be regarding the future of somebody that you love.

A surprise conversation may need to be kept discreet, quiet.

Like Jonathan and David, where Jonathan couldn’t tell his father Saul that he knew where David was hiding.

A surprise conversation is always for your protection.

A Surprise Conversation #2

A Surprise Conversation
Over the next 10 days
Church By Phone
Easter Sunday 03-31-13

(re-aired Wednesday 04-10-13)

It’s so believable.

This is something you can wrap your faith around.

The Lord has really stirred Dr. Murdock’s
heart about this surprise conversation.

Thank You, Father for these moments together. I thank You. I thank You. Thank You for talking to us, Lord. We really have a passionate need for conversation. Meaningful conversation–believable conversation. Compassionate conversation. Competent communication. Father, we have such a rare, rare, unexplainable obsession–an insatiable passion for worthwhile communication–that creates movement for us. Movement toward answers, solutions, things to do. And I’m so grateful, so thankful. Lord, we’re receivers tonight (and those that’ll be listening on the re-air tomorrow). We’re receivers of every good and perfect gift that You offer us. Amen. Amen. Praise God.

Remember the young man, who had a day off from working for Dr. Murdock. He wA just working for free, helping on his day off. They had a conversation about budgeting, and Dr. Murdock asked him how much he made hourly–it was the $8/hour it had been since when he’d first started. Dr. Murdock felt stirred to give him an immediate $2,500 bonus and raise his salary considerably.

It came out of servanthood.

It was a seed.

He decided to sow some time just to help (on his day off), and it
led to a surprise conversation with Dr. Murdock.

*** The Key to Prosperity is NOT Prayer ***

The key to prosperity is very simple:
When you solve a problem, you create a Divine debt with God.

Isaiah 58

Psalms 41

Ephesians 6:8

Isaiah 61:1-7

Ruth solved a problem for Naomi, and got the attention
and the favor, through his employees, of Boaz.

Money is more important than anybody’s telling you.

Don’t let all the spiritual hypocrites or Phariseeism knock
that, don’t let anybody destroy that.

If you’ve gotta goal, and you want to help people,
you’re gonna need money.

If all you want to do is get food for your kids and send em
to Sunday school, you’re going to need money.
If you’re a single mother, and all you want is have
somebody watch your kids from 8am-5pm so you
can work: you’re going to need lots of money.

Childcare is expensive.

If you want a car that runs well, that’s going to cost you.

Dr. Murdock believes that the young man’s miracle started
when he said, “I’m going to solve a problem for Dr. Murdock.”

Everywhere you solve a problem, you prove honor.
And everywhere there’s honor, favor is activated.

Everywhere there’s favor, there’s money. Everywhere.

When you solve a problem, God owes you.

It’s the Law of Balance.

It’s the Law of Reimbursement.

It’s the Law of Reward.

It’s the Law of Compensation.

It’s the Law of Fairness.

No one can accuse God of being unfair.

That’s why He sent Jonah through “Whale University”:
So the people of Nineveh would have second chance.

God’s a “2nd Chance” God.

And He’s full of mercy.


Everything is currency.

Love is currency.

A smile is currency.

Mercy is currency.

The highest currency on earth is time.

God gave us time to exchange for everything else we have.

What you do with your time is what you’ve done with your life.

I know what you value by what you exchange your time for.

God gave us the currency of 168 hours a week.

Dr. Murdock reduced it into 15-minute increments so he could know,
every week, how many units of time can he exchange and what will
he get for it.

Look at this:
A ten-pound bar of iron can make horseshoes worth $30.

That same ten-pound bar of iron can make needles worth $300.

That same ten-pound bar of iron can
make watch springs that’re worth $3000.

Your hours can be exchanged for $10, $15, $50, $100, $1000…
It depends on what you exchange your hours for.

Dr. Murdock exchanges an hour of his life for information he doesn’t know.
ex: I buy a book for $20. The book may’ve cost the author 20 years
of his life to obtain that information. I exchange my $20 + time & get
that information.

Life is a constant business transaction.

Every day.

Business is exchanging what you’ve been
given for something else that’s possible.
It’s solving a problem for an agreed reward.

The only word we heard Jesus speak for 3 decades were,
“Did you not know I must be about my Father’s business?”


God loves to do business with us.

God loves to do business through us.

The closest thing to God is a competent, caring person.

A Dr. Murdock tweet: “Incompetence is indescribably unsexy.” 🙂

Abigail, Ruth, Prov 31 woman….

A Surprise Conversation

Just treat people right, and you’ve pleased God.
You don’t have to do miracles. And you are great.

A surprise conversation is a believable miracle.

For every person that will hold up Dr. Murdock’s hands
on this trip–whether in prayer, in finances, however–
there’s going to be a surprise conversation. Some are
going to get one every day.

The Samaritan woman at the well had a surprise conversation
with Jesus.

Jesus planned the conversation, it was a surprise to her.

God commands Elijah to go to Zarephath.

One surprise conversation.

A housemate makes a comment, that Elisha was
seeing leprosy disappear in his ministry.

Leprosy takes 16-20 years to show up in your body.

In one conversation, Namaan’s lifetime headache was removed.

Rebecca sees an old man, the steward for Abraham….
Somebody was looking at camels and ignoring em,
but not Rebecca…

It’s not who hates you, it’s who likes you that makes a difference in your life.

(maybe who hates you too, thinking of Goliath…)

Where do you need a surprise conversation?
Because that’s the 10-day harvest.

It’s not God who controls your lifestyle,
it’s your faith that controls, unlocks,
my lifestyle.

God sees it, He knows it…

It’s not pain that moves God, it’s my faith.

So whoever works with your faith, is an irreplaceable part of your lifestyle system.

That’s why AA Allen, Oral Roberts
because they worked with our faith.

These are 10 days of uncommon, unprecedented, unsurpassed faith.

Somebody is going to make between a $225,000-250,000 contract
and it’s going to be the tipping point to your first millionaire status,

Somebody will link with your Boaz in these 10 days.

There’s a woman listening–you’ve got so much good in you,
you’ve got so much love in you–but there’s a missing conversation
that has prevented that part of you–

It was a conversation with Boaz, and out of that conversation
with Boaz–he said, Everybody’s talking about you. They say
that you treat your Mother-in-law 7 times better than anyone
treats their own Mother.

And when you find any woman that can speak effectively to other
women, that’s a rare woman. She didn’t make other women jealous.
She made other women admire her.

There’s a surprise conversation coming.

It’s gonna happen in 10 days….

Dr. Murdock’s Mother’s birthday was
yesterday and he meditated on her life.
She was a wonderful, godly woman.
She loved the Lord.
She loved God’s Word.

The Bible is a book about conversation.

God spoke.

When God talks, faith happens.
Your faith comes alive.

Dr. Murdock received a compliment from Oral Roberts, who said,
“Mike, when you talk to me, I always know it is something God would say.”

Whoever works with your faith, they’ve changed your life forever.

Where do you need a surprise conversation?

Like Ruth, you may need to initiate the conversation.

The woman with the issue of blood had an internal conversation.

David encouraged himself in the Lord.

Jesus initiated the conversation with the woman at the well.

It may be a conversation with your children.

Surprise conversations where somebody
speaks up for you, recommends you,
introduces you to someone.

Right now, somebody is discussing
blessing you, “What can I do for _______ ?”

Embrace the character of God.

That He is looking out for you.
That he wants good for you.

Embrace the God of:
Psalms 37, 34, 91

The 14 Promises of Isaiah 58

I choose to believe that I’m one surprise conversation from the blessing I am wanting.

You may be the one God wants to give birth to the surprise conversation.

It may be a compliment. Reassurance of what you meant.

Maybe there’s a phone call to call your father who you haven’t seen or spoken to in years.

It may be to your aunt or your uncle, somebody who invested in you and you’ve never properly thanked them.

Maybe it’s an apology.

The first proof of repentance is reimbursement.

What’s the first thing Zacchaeus did…?

Don’t believe anybody’s repented unless they’ve returned the money that they owe you.

Do you think saying “I’m sorry” is an apology??

Repenting means to first reimburse.

Withhold not good from them to whom it is due when it’s in the power of your hand to do it

A surprise conversation.

It may be an apology.

It may be a commendation/recommendation that you need.

Did you realize that you can be the one who sets the conversation in motion?

You can set it in motion for somebody else.

There’s somebody out there, that you did somebody wrong and you know it.
You know it.
You set that surprise conversation on motion
and watch what God does with you.

Father, I thank you. I ask for 300 that will partner with me for the Nigeria trip: The Nigeria 300.
I ask that this uncommon, generous seed be the seed that restore their business. Restores their vision. It will be a seed of significance. Hasten the harvest to my family. I ask You for a 10-day harvest. I ask You for one conversation that brings great joy–and even a financial return. Father, You said that You would give seed to a sower, so the fact that we have seed to sow means that we’re connected to You. You’ve given us seed to sow. Father, some are sowing a $500 seed–a seed that is very large for them. And Father, I ask You to accept that seed, wrapped with expectation, and that the harvest within 10 days be worth 10 times more than that initial seed. Let them know, remember that they used their faith. When we use our faith nothing is impossible.

Father, I curse every false report from I any doctor who has brought sorrow and unbelief. And let them go back to the doctor and the doctor say, “There’s been some kind of change. I don’t know what…” But You are the healing Jesus. I curse all disease and discomfort from the head down to the feet. Body be healed. Heart be healed. Blood system be healed. Colon be healed. Lower-back be healed. Jaw be healed. Neck be healed. Swallowing be healed. Ears be opened–be healed. Eyes be opened–be healed, in the Name of Jesus. I release the healing of Jesus. I curse the hernia and command the hernia to dissolve and disappear, on the authority of the Blood of Christ on Calvary. Receive your healing river, in Jesus’s Name. It is done, it is done.

Glory to God, glory to God, glory to God.

Family, just say, “I receive.”
Say it out loud:

I receive.

I am a receiver…of a surprise conversation.

That’s the miracle that we’re believing God for.

Remember to journal every day.

Praise God.

To sow (for Nigeria) into Dr. Murdock’s ministry:

Whatever you sow, wrap expectation around it.

Whoever works with your faith, changes the equation of your heart.

WisdomOnline.com >> Button 15

Journal the next 10 days.

Dr. Murdock will be doing a telethon in South Bend, Indiana tomorrow evening.

April the 9th, he will leave for Nigeria.

Every day for 10 days…

A surprise conversation.

There’s gonna be markdowns. There’s gonna be
debt cancellations. The house that you thought was
going to cost you X, there’s gonna be $30,000 –
$40,000 – $50,000 drops. There’s gonna be
conversations that restore relationships.

Text the word Wisdom to 46786 to receive daily texts
from Dr. Murdock.

God’s purging your life.

When wrong people leave, good things happen.

Jesus didn’t try to get the rich young ruler
to stay, neither did the prodigal sons father.

Their ways will correct them.

Learn to live with em.

If God cannot change somebody, you’re a fool to try.

Let God deal with em.

Let God deal with the rebels.

A Surprise Conversation

A Surprise Conversation
Over the next 10 days
Church By Phone
Sat 03-30-13

(re-aired Tues 04-09-13)

The next 10 days I will experience a
surprise conversation as one of the
miracle harvests of my lifetime.

When the Holy Spirit talks to me, and I
move swiftly it’s like there is a cascade,
like a Niagara Falls of the blessings of
the Lord.

Father, I praise You tonight. For Your
teaching capabilities. For Your love.
I’m so thankful for access to Your
Presence. You’ve invited us to come
boldly to Your throne. And Lord, there’s
going to be one of the most supernatural
10 days of our lifetimes. A surprise
conversation. It’s a harvest. It’s a
harvest nobody can really explain. We
only have the predictability of Your
character, of Your nature. You know
what we need when we don’t.

You know what can change our lives
when we don’t. Thank You, Holy Spirit.
Thank You for these moments with our
family. Thank You from the depths of
my heart. Praise God. Praise God!

Dr. Murdock wants us to journal for the next
10 days, today as the beginning. Remember,
you are one conversation away from every-
thing that you are desiring–everything that
you are wanting to happen in your life.

Somebody used to say, “One word from
God changes everything.” And it’s true,
it’s true.

A Surprise Conversation